WCTI are happy to provide
the thermographic equipment and knowledge to veterinary
applications. Patients will be equilibrated correctly beforehand and the
presence of a vet with the appropriate physiological expertise will be requested.
The principle of veterinary
thermography is clear: infection or injuries activate the
animal bodies’ natural resistance mechanism. This
is marked by a movement of energy throughout the tissue,
which is manifested through higher blood flow and reflected
in the surface temperature. In addition, edemas can be
traced as pathologically cool zones on the body surface.
Not only damage to tissue, but also overload on certain
joints have an impact on the blood flow, resulting in higher
surface temperature.
Thermogram shows poor circulation on the right leg
- blue cold. |
Infrared imaging is particularly
helpful with difficult to detect problems such as non specific
lameness. Because there are so many different diagnoses
to be made, finding the source of a problem, ensures that
the correct treatment can take place from the start. The
thermal camera can confirm whether there are heat anomalies
in the leg or hoof, whether there is excessive heat possibly
indicating an abscess, or cooler areas, often the symptoms
of poor blood flow.
Thermogram shows a hot spot on the back and saddle
area indicating Back and Body Problems and Saddle
Fit should be checked. |
It is very often the case
that a symptom that shows up as pain in the back for example
actually has its root cause somewhere else for instance
the foot. The horse will very often compensate for the
injury by transferring its weight to the other leg, causing
twisting and undue stress along the spine. Traditional
methods of diagnosis would be to treat the back, give physiotherapy
treatment or rest the horse. By doing a scan of the entire
body, areas that are showing abnormalities in temperature
can be easily identified and the relevant areas of the
horse given suitable treatment. This often alleviates the
secondary symptoms, in this example the pain in the back.

This photo shows the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick on a domestic dog. In British
Columbia, ticks attach themselves to large animals such as deer, cattle,
dogs, sheep and humans. The wood tick is a known carrier of spotted fever,
tularemia, and causes a disease in man and animals called tick paralysis. Complete
recovery occurs when the tick is removed if paralysis has not progressed too
far, but death may occur. Thermal imaging can help find the ticks before it
is too late.

Infrared thermographic image of horse 
These images show hoof imbalance, a common problem. Note the increased heat
in the lateral right front where the breakover is across the right quarter
and toe. In identifying the physiologic imbalance in the hoof, appropriate
shoeing changes can be made to improve performance and hoof comfort.