In all plants there are
diverse collections of equipment that can be successfully
inspected using infrared thermography. For most mechanical
equipment the techniques used to inspect the equipment
are straightforward, but specific knowledge and experience
with some equipment is often required.
You should know the basic
operation and heat flow characteristics of the machinery,
understand heat related failure mechanisms, have safety
inspection procedures and observe the machinery during
start-up and cool down as well as during normal operation.
No one knows the equipment in a plant better than the plant
personnel themselves do. It is very helpful to have past
experience with the equipment and thermal images of the
equipment during normal operations.
Examples include:
· Faulty
· Over
or under greasing / maintenance
· Misalignment
· Component
· Windings
Mechanical Drive

Rotating mechanical drives on vessels are a critical part
of equipment. We are able to identify failing bearings,
couplings and misalignments allowing repairs to be made
prior to a catastrophic failure.

Worn bearings and mis-aligned pulleys can cause unexpected downtime usually
at periods when it is least expected and highly unwelcome. We can predictively
identify areas of potential problems and literally see it before it becomes
a problem! Predictive maintenance demonstrated.

This thermal image shows two overheating motor belt
components apparently due to misalignment.
Using Thermography to Monitor
Motors and Gearboxes